Privacy Policy

online hebrew course

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Oulpan/Coaching d'hébreu

10 semaines

  • 1 x 1H30 course per week
  • 100% en ligne
  • Disponible pour tous les niveaux, de débutant à avancé
  • Le but est de vous faire passer au niveau supérieur et de débloquer votre hébreu. Vous définissez votre objectif et nous vous accompagnons pour l'atteindre.


cours en ligne hebreu paris

Vous connaissez ces sociétés ?

Elles nous ont fait confiance.

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Pourquoi choisir l'Oulpan Integraliah?

  • Information Collection:
    • We collect only personal information such as name, phone number, and email when a person registers on our site.
  • Use of Information:
    • The collected information is solely used for the processing of registrations.
  • Information Sharing:
    • We do not sell contacts and do not share data with third parties. The collected information is used only for internal purposes.
  • Cookies:
    • Our site uses standard cookies to enhance the user experience. Cookies can be managed or disabled through browser settings.
  • Security:
    • The collected information is secured on our server, and appropriate security measures are in place to protect the data.
  • Access and Control:
    • Users have the right to access, correct, and delete their personal data. For any requests, please contact us at [insert contact email].
  • Data Retention:
    • Personal data is retained for personal purposes until the client requests its deletion.
  • Modification of the Policy:
    • Integraliah Hebrew School reserves the right to modify or update these terms and conditions at any time. It is the responsibility of users to periodically review these terms for any changes.
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