Course: Beginners 1 (Level Alef+)


Beginners 1 (Level Alef+)

0. Introduction to the course


14. Present - Itpael + Summary of present tense


18. The prepositions כְּמוֹ and בִּשְׁבִיל

Video lesson

The lesson

In this chapter, we’ll be delving into the world of food in Hebrew. We’ll start by acquiring some basic vocabulary on the subject, focusing on essential ingredients to keep in your refrigerator. Following that, we’ll endeavor to commit this vocabulary to memory through various exercises. This will involve reading recipes tailored to our level, engaging with the new vocabulary through interactive activities, and listening to a passage that incorporates the key words from this lesson.

To keep up with the lesson and do the exercises, grab your beginner’s book, pages 137 to 143. Let’s get started!

You can download the pdf of the lesson right below.

Lesson materials

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