How to say I love you in Hebrew

love hebrew

You fell in love in Israel and you want to be able to say to your partner I love you in Hebrew ? Or you just love the idea of being able to say “I love you” in various languages? This article is here to help.

I love you from a woman to a man in Hebrew

The pronunciation differs when it comes to a woman or a man. 

In order to say “I love you”, a female speaking to a male will say:  Ani ohevet oth’a You write it like this: אני אוהבת אותך

I love you from a woman to a man in Hebrew

I love you from a man to a woman in Hebrew

In order to say “I love you”, a man speaking to a woman will say:  Ani ohev otah. If you want to surprise your girlfriend, you can write it in Hebrew like this: אני אוהב אותך.

I love you from a man to a woman in Hebrew

I love you from a man to a man in hebrew

If you’re a man and you want to say I love to a man, that’s the right way to do it: ani ohev ot’ha. You write it like this: אני אוהב אותך.

I love you from a man to a man in hebrew

I love you from a woman to a woman in Hebrew

And finally, if you’re a woman and you want to say i love you to another woman, you will say it like that: ani ohevet ota’h. אני אוהבת אותך.

I love you from a woman to a woman in hebrew

I love you in Hebrew phonetic

  • ani ohev ota’h
  • ani ohev ot’ha
  • ani ohevet ot’ha
  • ani ohevet otah

I love you so much in Hebrew

There are several ways to say “ I love you so much” in Hebrew.

אני אוהב אותך מאוד Ani ohev ota’h meod

אני אוהב אותך המון ani ohev ota’h amon.

See also  how to learn hebrew bible: study tips and tools

אני מת עליך Ani met alaï’h

אני חולה עליך Ani h’ole alai’h

The verb TO LOVE in Hebrew

The verb TO LOVE in Hebrew has four forms in present tense. 

  • Ani ohev – I love for a man.
  • Ani ohevet – I love for a woman.
  • hem ohavim – they love for men
  • hen ohavot – they love for women.

At Oulpan Integraliah, we teach Hebrew, spoken Hebrew and written Hebrew. We teach Hebrew that you need in order to enjoy being in Israel, as a tourist or as a new immigrant. 

Important words to know in Hebrew

I love you for a first date, it’s a little fast though. Let’s start by learning to say hello, thank you or welcome in Hebrew.
Hello in Hebrew is : Shalom
Thank you in Hebrew is : Toda
Welcome in Hebrew is : Baruch Aba

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