Black Space (BlackSpace) the new best israeli series on Netflix

blackspace israel series

Released quietly, the Israeli series Black Space (or BlackSpace) seems to be a surprise hit for Netflix.

Certainly your first question about BlackSpace : is the series available for download, in streaming, in torrent or to watch online? We don’t know. What we do know is that the series has not received much promotion, nor even a trailer, and its media coverage is almost non-existent. And yet it has managed to attract audiences on the platform, and does not drop out of the top 10 most viewed programs. Black Space is riding the wave of thrillers that mix teenage drama and police intrigue like Elite or 13 Reasons Why.

A recipe that always works quite well…

Blackspace in the Netflix top 10 in Israel

Available since May 27 on Netflix, the series keeps rising. Already at the fourth place of the top of the most viewed series, we return to the reasons for the success of this suspenseful series.

It does not benefit from a huge publicity but BlackSpace seems to be doing remarkably well.

Another Israeli series that has been successful internationally like shtisel, when heroes fly, Fauda and other incredible series taking place in Israel like the spy.

BlackSpace Season 1

blackspace season 1 netflix serie

Black Space synopsis

The first season of this Israeli series in 8 episodes follows Rami Davidium, a special forces investigator with unorthodox methods, in a high school investigation after a shooting. One morning in a small Israeli town, four young people are killed. Three Palestinians with a connection to the school are arrested. But the police officer struggles to believe in a terrorist act and the investigation really begins when he discovers evidence that those responsible for the murders are from the school itself. And what is this mysterious application called “black space” that teenagers use to communicate? The cop will have to wade through 421 suspects to unmask who the unicorn-masked shooters are.

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An intriguing story, which does not immediately reveal why the series is called BlackSpace. It is in fact a social network where high school students exchange hidden messages that disappear once read, so that their families and the police can not see what is said. 

On twitter, the new fans do not hide their enthusiasm for this series. The suspense is very present and there is a tense atmosphere, almost scary, with a good dose of violence on top. Enough to delight thrill-seekers. The skillful and tense script is accompanied by a solid cast featuring Guri Alfi in the lead role.

Black Space Reviews and Rating

According to what we’ve found throughout the web, BlackSpace got an audience rating score of 6.9/10 (IMBD):

  • 12.2% rated it 10/10 ★★★★★★★★★★
  • 9.1% rated it 9/10 ★★★★★★★★★
  • 21.7% rated it 8/10 ★★★★★★★★
  • 25.4% rated it 7/10 ★★★★★★★
  • 13.9% rated it 6/10 ★★★★★★
  • 7.2% rated it 5/10 ★★★★★
  • 2.7% rated it 4/10 ★★★★
  • 2.1% rated it 3/10 ★★★
  • 1.9% rated it 2/10 ★★
  • 3.9% rated it 1/10 ★

Black Space and Elite

If BlackSpace is compared to the Elite series, it’s simply because most of the story takes place in a high school. As a bonus, as in the Spanish show, the different suspects are often closer to us than we imagine… The Israeli series tackles a thorny subject and the risks taken are interesting. In 8 episodes, we may discover who the attackers are, hidden under unicorn masks with sharp teeth, but above all what their intentions are.

The Israeli daily Israel Hayom headlined “BlackSpace: Israeli parents’ worst nightmare.” 

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How much Black Space has cost?

The cost of each episode of “BlackSpace” was around NIS 800,000 ($244,024), so the season of huit episodes cost a little over NIS 6 million ($1,830,183).

Black Space season 2 on Netflix

blackspace season 2 netflix serie

A day after the end of the first season, Channel 13 (israel) and Federation (french) agreed to immediately start writing and producing the second season of the suspense series “Blackspace

Netflix israeli series “BlackSpace” is expected to return in the second season, in light of its success and the glorious reviews it receives.

The date isn’t known yet but we will update this article as soon as we get the info.

When will Blackspace season 2 be released? Stay tuned!

Who are the killers in Blackspace series?

What is the most incredible in this series is that as the season goes on, we suspect everyone. People we thought were the killers are cleared as we go along, leaving only the ones we thought were 100% innocent. The best way to know who are the killers in the series is to watch the series until the end… We can’t tell you more…

Black Space Casting 

Liana Ayoun

Guri Alfi

Gily Itskovitch

Reut Alush

Yoav Rotman

Asi Levi

Shay Avivi

Hadas Jade Sakori

Noam Karmeli

Meirav Shirom

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