פדיחה - Apprenons un nouveau mot en hébreu en ligne


In this video we will learn the hebrew word “Fadicha”.

Fadicha means “embarrassment”.

Learn hebrew online with Oulpan Integraliah.

Stay tuned so you will not miss any new word !

learn hebrew word Fadicha

Here is another one for you 🙂

Ulpan Integraliah – Learn Hebrew Online Today we will learn a new word ! Fadicha.


Join over 3,000 success stories, become fluent in Hebrew, dare to speak, get the Israeli culture… Bekitsur Live Your Life In Hebrew Today ! If you want to learn hebrew online, you find what you were looking for. Integraliah is the best method to learn hebrew online. Integraliah is an Ulpan in Israel (Tel Aviv and Netanya) and it is an oline ulpan with thousand of students all over the world. WHO ARE WE ? WELCOME TO INTEGRALIAH Ever wanted to negotiate prices at the shuk, watch Israeli de regarder des séries israéliennes and understand what your Israeli co-workers are saying? At Integraliah, you’ll learn Hebrew in a fun, dynamic and practical way while connecting to the uniquely amazing Israeli society and culture. Find more on https://integraliah.com/

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