The top 5 best dating apps to use in Israel!

Have you ever tried to use a dating app before? In Israel, they are extremely popular. And guess what?! It’s one of the best way to learn Hebrew! So what are the 5 dating apps you should download in Israel today? We’ll tell you everything. #1 Dating App in Israel : Tinder Tinder is the first […]
6 Facts You Still Don’t Know About The SPY and Eli Cohen

Inspired by a true story, a couple of days ago, a recent mini-series came out on Netflix called, “The Spy.” Directed by the creator of “Homeland”, Gideon Raff tells the true story of Eli Cohen – the Israeli spy that was sent to Syria in the beginning of the 1960’s to gather information on Syrian […]
Cinq erreurs d'hébreu pour éviter de ressembler à un vrai Israélien
There are few mistakes that olim always do. Are you ready to get rid of them? Here are five little and annoying mistakes that you’ll never do AGAIN. #1 Don’t use “Lifnei” ALL THE TIME! How would you translate the sentence: I’ve lived in Israel for 3 years? Most of olim would say: “אני גר […]
The 5 Best Ways to Learn Hebrew Effectively

So many of you are asking us how to learn Hebrew quickly and effectively. Here are 5 suggestions to improve your Hebrew – the fun way! No grammar books, whenever and wherever you wish. Let’s do it! #1 Watch some tv shows in Hebrew with Hebrew subtitles Whenever you feel ready, take that leap of […]
WATCH : Fast Quiz #1 - Les contraires !
We love quizzes! ❤ Quizzes are probably the best way to learn, train and maintain our knowledge in almost every topic and subject out there. 🤓Today we present to you, totally off-guard, our one and only Simon Kern, who’ll be competing in a real-time Hebrew quiz 😮. Will he make it to the finish line?? […]
The 5 best Hebrew expressions to use in Israel when you can’t take it anymore!

What can be more natural than to get mad in the language in the country you live in? Imagine someone is trying to rip you off or someone skips the entire line in front of you – you want to be able to react, to defend yourself, to scream, but the words aren’t coming out […]
5 Best Places To Get Hummus in Israel!

Today we will throw our two cents into one of the most heated debates in Israeli culture. The best Hummus. This delicious dish is one of the most popular dishes in Israel. Its cheap, satisfying, and works as either a condiment or main course! The dish comes in probably 1,000 different ways and every Israeli […]
5 tubes de l'été israéliens à ajouter d'urgence sur votre playlist de la rentrée🎧

Have you just returned home from Israel? Miss it much? Are you a new immigrant, nostalgic about your magical summer in Tel Aviv? Interested in hearing Hebrew as often as you can? Add these 5 songs to your playlist and you will never forget this summer. You will thank us. 1# ‘Shevet Ahim ve’ahaiot’ – Lyrics: […]
5 émissions de télé israéliennes à regarder pour booster votre hébreu!

We have selected 5 Israeli cult classics that will help you boost your Hebrew in no time!
5 mots en 30 secondes - Scooters électriques
Here are 5 words that will allow you to scoot around the city in Hebrew. Let’s go!