The top 5 best dating apps to use in Israel!

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Have you ever tried to use a dating app before? In Israel, they are extremely popular. And guess what?! It’s one of the best way to apprendre l’hébreu! So what are the 5 dating apps you should download in Israel today? We’ll tell you everything.

#1 Dating App in Israel : Tinder

dating app israel

Tinder is the first and most famous dating app in Israel. In its beginning, the app would just help you get a one night stand. It now seems that people are more inclined to find more serious relationships. You won’t have to complete a quiz or a personality test when you first sign up. The entire premise of the app is based on your geolocation and your photos. If someone close to you “likes” your photos (and vice versa), you will “match”. You can then speak via chat.

Need some conversation ideas?

Why not talking about the best hummus you had lately or simply talking about hummus

Too cliché ? 

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#2 Dating App in Israel: Bumble

Bumble is known for the “the Feminist dating app”. Tinder et sur Bumble are both dating app in Israel very similar in their functionality, but a noticeable difference: Only the woman can initiate a conversation. If, after 24 hours there is no match,  the option disappears. Like Tinder, this app is free!

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#3 Dating App in Israel : JSwipe

best dating app israel

JSwipe is the  Kosher version of dating app in Israel and this is specifically targeted for Jewish communities around the world. The app is equally popular here, in Israel. Its users are known to find only serious relationships.

See also  5 Words in 30 Seconds with Integraliah - Summer is Coming

#4 Dating App in Israel : OkCupid

To join this dating app, you will need to complete your  profile by answering a number of questions on your wants and preferences. You can initiate a conversation, like Israeli series The Spy or Israeli series in general for example with any user you are interested in the app – no need to wait if they liked you back or approved you before engaging. You can access OKCupid in the free version, but the paid version allows you to have more information on the people that check out your profile.

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#5 Dating App in Israel : Atraf

It’s the Israeli version of Grinder. Atraf offers one of the best location-based dating services and one of the most popular nightlife point of references in the gay community. This app has become a must for members of the LGBT community in recent years – especially in Tel Aviv, considered one of the most gay-friendly cities in the world.

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