Hebrew / Israeli Names for Girls (+300)

Hebrew Israeli Names for Girls

It seems like we have plenty of ideas for Hebrew names for girls except when we really need to find one. We often find ourselves out of inspiration. When the time becomes crucial to make the best choice of Hebrew name to the Israelis for a girl. In this article we have tried to answer your questions and provide you with the longest possible list of Hebrew and Israeli names for baby girls.

What is a beautiful Hebrew name?

As you can imagine, a good name is unique to everyone. There is no such thing as a name that everyone finds beautiful or that everyone finds ugly. That’s why we have prepared a list of names we would like for girls and a list of names we will help for boys. It is up to you to choose the Hebrew name that you find beautiful.

Israeli series being more and more appreciated all around the world, people are starting to give hebrew / israeli names for their baby girls.

As said in the article 200 Hebrew Baby Names for Boys no need to study in an Oulpan (schools where one learn hebrew language) if you want to find a hebrew name for a baby boy.

What is a good biblical name for a girl?

The Bible is full of female characters with various names. I will find something for everyone. Deborah, Lea, Rachel, Abigail, Ruth… As explained in the previous paragraph the beauty of a name will depend on your personalities. You will find biblical names for girls in the list in the last paragraph of this article.

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What girl name means beautiful in Hebrew?

It can be Shifrah in the Bible or Yaffa in modern Hebrew.

What is the most common female name in Israel?

Very common names for girls in Israel right now (in 2022) are Tamar, Maya or Noa. We are sure you will find more ideas in the list at the end of the article.

What are good Jewish names?

What do you mean by “good”. It depends on your references. If you are looking for a man who is good according to religion it will not be the same as if you are looking for a man who is good according to fashion or society of a country. That’s why we suggest you to consult the list of the article to make a short list of favorite steering wheel and to question them once friends your family or a referent to find the best Hebrew name for a girl for you in this list.

What Hebrew girl name means strong?

The Hebrew name for girls that means “strong” is Adira. It also exists in masculine. In fact the Hebrew name for boys that means strong is Adir.

List of 340 israeli / hebrew names for Girl

  1. Abigail
  2. Abilene
  3. Adah
  4. Adele
  5. Adi
  6. Adiela
  7. Adina
  8. Adira
  9. Adiva
  10. Adriel
  11. Adva
  12. Agam
  13. Aiya
  14. Aleen
  15. Alina
  16. Aliya
  17. Aliza
  18. Alma
  19. Alona
  20. Amit
  21. Ana
  22. Anael
  23. Anat
  24. Anita
  25. Anna
  26. Anya
  27. Aoife
  28. Arbel
  29. Ariel
  30. Ariel or Ariella
  31. Ariel/Ariela
  32. Ariela
  33. Arnona
  34. Avala
  35. Avia
  36. Avigail/Abigail
  37. Avishag
  38. Avital
  39. Aviv
  40. Aviva
  41. Ayala
  42. Ayelet
  43. Aziza
  44. Bar
  45. Bari
  46. Bat
  47. Batsheva
  48. Batya
  49. Behira
  50. Belia
  51. Bell
  52. Bella
  53. Belle
  54. Bina
  55. Bracha
  56. Carmel
  57. Chana (Hanna)
  58. Chava
  59. Chaya
  60. Chen
  61. Coris
  62. Corys
  63. Dafna
  64. Daphne
  65. Dalia
  66. Dalit
  67. Dana
  68. Danit
  69. Daniel
  70. Daniela
  71. Daniella
  72. Danita
  73. Danya
  74. Deborah/Devorah
  75. Delilah
  76. Dena
  77. Derora
  78. Devi
  79. Devira
  80. Dikla
  81. Dina/Dena
  82. Dor
  83. Dorit
  84. Dror
  85. Eden
  86. Edna
  87. Edya
  88. Efrat
  89. Eila
  90. Einat
  91. Elah
  92. Elana/Ilana
  93. Eli
  94. Eli/Ellie
  95. Eliraz
  96. Elisheva (Elizabeth)
  97. Ella
  98. Emanuel
  99. Emily
  100. Emma
  101. Emuna
  102. Esther
  103. Esti 
  104. Faria
  105. Fiona
  106. Gaia
  107. Gal
  108. Gali
  109. Galit
  110. Ganit
  111. Gayora
  112. Gefen
  113. Geula
  114. Gil
  115. Gila
  116. Gilada
  117. Gili
  118. Gili 
  119. Ginat
  120. Giva
  121. Hadar
  122. Hadas
  123. Hadassa
  124. Haifa
  125. Haleli
  126. Hali
  127. Hallel
  128. Hanit
  129. Hannah
  130. Harel
  131. Hawa
  132. Hiba
  133. Hila
  134. Hili
  135. Hita
  136. Hodaya
  137. Idit
  138. Ifat (Yifat)
  139. Ilana
  140. Ilani
  141. Ilona
  142. Inbar
  143. Irit
  144. Jaffa
  145. Jaffe
  146. Jafit
  147. Jami
  148. Jincy
  149. Kala
  150. Kalanit
  151. Karin/Keren
  152. Kaspit
  153. Kefira
  154. Kerem
  155. Keren
  156. Keshet
  157. Kineret
  158. Kiva
  159. Kochava
  160. Kyla
  161. Laila or Leila
  162. Leah
  163. Lenny
  164. Leor
  165. Levana
  166. Lia
  167. Lian/Leanne
  168. Liat
  169. Liba
  170. Libi
  171. Liel
  172. Lila/Lilah/Leila
  173. Limor
  174. Linoy
  175. Lior
  176. Lior/Leor/Liora
  177. Liora
  178. Liraz
  179. Liron
  180. Lital 
  181. Liv
  182. Liya
  183. Lola
  184. Maayan
  185. Malka
  186. Margalit
  187. Marnie
  188. Matana
  189. May
  190. Maya
  191. Mayim
  192. Maytal
  193. Meira
  194. Meirav
  195. Meital
  196. Michaela
  197. Michal
  198. Miel
  199. Mika
  200. Mily
  201. Miri
  202. Miriam
  203. Mor/Moran/Morin
  204. Moriah
  205. Na’amah
  206. Naama
  207. Naama/Naomi
  208. Naava
  209. Nom
  210. Naomi
  211. Natania
  212. Nechama
  213. Nelly
  214. Nessa
  215. Neta
  216. Nina
  217. Nitzana
  218. Niv
  219. Noa
  220. Noah
  221. Noam
  222. Noemi
  223. Noga
  224. Nomi
  225. Noya
  226. Nurit
  227. Nirit
  228. Odele
  229. Ofra
  230. Ofrah
  231. Ofri
  232. Omer
  233. Ophir
  234. Or
  235. Ora
  236. Orel
  237. Ori
  238. Orin
  239. Orina
  240. Orit
  241. Orly/Orli
  242. Orna
  243. Ortal
  244. Pazit
  245. Penina
  246. Peri
  247. Puah
  248. Rachel
  249. Ramya
  250. Rani
  251. Ranit
  252. Reef
  253. Renana
  254. Reut
  255. Revital
  256. Reviv
  257. Rimon
  258. Rina
  259. Risha
  260. Riva
  261. Rivka (Rebecca)
  262. Roma
  263. Romi
  264. Roni
  265. Ronit
  266. Rotem
  267. Rotem 
  268. Rut
  269. Ruta
  270. Rute
  271. Ruth
  272. Salma
  273. Sami
  274. Sapir
  275. Sapir/Sapira
  276. Sara
  277. Sarit
  278. Sarah
  279. Sary
  280. Shachar
  281. Shai
  282. Shaily
  283. Shaked
  284. Shalva
  285. Shamira
  286. Shana
  287. Shani
  288. Sharon/Sharona
  289. Shayna
  290. Shif
  291. Shilat
  292. Shir
  293. Shir
  294. Shira
  295. Shirel
  296. Shlomit
  297. Shoham
  298. Shosh
  299. Shoshana
  300. Shuli/Shuly/Shulamit
  301. Sigal/Sigalit   
  302. Sivan
  303. Tahal
  304. Tal
  305. Talia
  306. Talma
  307. Tamar
  308. Tehila
  309. Temima
  310. Teshura
  311. Tikva
  312. Tirza
  313. Tiva
  314. Tohar
  315. Tova
  316. Tsipi
  317. Tziporah
  318. Uri/Ori
  319. Uria/Oria
  320. Vered
  321. Warda
  322. Yaara
  323. Yael
  324. Yaffa
  325. Yafit
  326. Yaheli
  327. Yam
  328. Yarden (Jordan)
  329. Yardena
  330. Yarona
  331. Yedida
  332. Yehudit (Judith)
  333. Yeira
  334. Yocheved
  335. Yuval
  336. Zahava
  337. Zara
  338. Zari
  339. Zena
  340. Zohar
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