5 things you didn’t know about Menachem Begin

Menahem Begin

On August 16, 1913, just 107 years ago, the famous Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin was born. On the occasion of his anniversary, Integraliah invite you to review five not-so-well-known or lesser-known pieces of information about Menachem Begin. Let’s go!

Menahem Begin: A lawyer?

As a child, Menachem Begin dreamed of being a lawyer.

While involved in Zionist activities within the Beitar youth movement, he also began studying for a law degree in Warsaw, which he completed in 1935.

He was noted for his exceptional talents as an organizer and speaker.

Menahem Begin: Wanted

Menahem Begin mugshot

Menahem Begin: Right

Menachem Begin was the number 1 most-wanted by the British before the independence of Israel.

Begin quickly opposed the policies pursued by David Ben Gurion because he found them too complacent with the British. He stood for revisionist Zionism. In 1943, Begin joined the Irgun and took command.

From 1944 to the creation of the State of Israel, Begin lived in hiding. He denounced the measures taken against Jewish immigration to the land of Palestine and fought for the British government to withdraw their troops and keep the promise of the Balfour Declaration.


He called to arms and the Irgun unleashed a series of attacks aimed at British installations and positions.


Menachem Begin was the first right-wing prime minister of the State of Israel.

Before him, Begin succeeded in achieving what had seemed unthinkable until then: winning the election against the Labor party, which was a first in the short history of the State of Israel. He then became Prime Minister.

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He was also be the first Israeli prime minister who managed to sign a peace agreement with an Arab country! In 1977, he signed the Camp David peace treaty with Egypt.

Menahem Begin’s appartment

Between 1947 and 1977 (the year that he was elected Prime Minister), Menachem Begin lived in a small 2.5 room apartment in Tel Aviv, despite his notoriety.

Menahem Begin’s son

Menachem Begin’s son is called Benyamin Zeev (nickname: Benny), after Benyamin Zeev Herzl and he was a Knesset Member of the Likud Party.

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